Saturday, May 18, 2013

How to Install Cinnamon 1.8 on ubuntu 13.04

Cinnamon is a user interface. It is a fork of GNOME Shell, initially developed by (and for) Linux Mint. It attempts to provide a more traditional user environment based on the desktop metaphor, like GNOME 2. Cinnamon uses Muffin, a fork of the GNOME 3 window manager Mutter, as its window manager from Cinnamon 1.2 onwards

What is new in version 1.8

File Manager

Nemo received a lot of attention. Its user interface was heavily modified and its behavior was adapted to integrate better with Cinnamon.You can now easily hide the sidebar and switch back and forth between places and treeview. Under each place, if applicable, a small bar indicates how much space is used.


Cinnamon now features its own screensaver. One of its particularities is that you can define an away message before locking up your screen.

Control Center

All configuration modules are now present in Cinnamon Settings. You no longer need to use Gnome Control Center.


KDE calls them Plasmoids, Android calls them Widgets, in Cinnamon they’re called “Desklets”. The same way you can add applets to your panel, you can add desklets to your desktop.

Spices Management

In Cinnamon 1.8 you can install “spices” (i.e. applets, desklets, themes, extensions) straight from your desktop.

New features for developers

Settings API for Applets/Desklets If you’re an Applet/Desklet developer, don’t use gsettings anymore. Cinnamon 1.8 features a settings API which will do all the work for you. It will set up your settings and default values for you, automatically. It will allow you to access your settings just as easily as you access values in an array. It will generate a configuration screen for you, automatically.

Install Install Cinnamon 1.8 on ubuntu 13.04

Open the terminal and run the following commands

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gwendal-lebihan-dev/cinnamon-stable

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install cinnamon nemo


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