Friday, May 3, 2013

Handy tweaking tool Unsettings 0.08 updated with Ubuntu 13.04 support

Unsettings is a powerful tweaking utility that gathers a significant amount of tweakable options under a simplistic easy-to-use interface. Essentially, Unsettings categorizes its functionalities in clickable categories, including numerous and numerous configuration options for the desktop, such as Launcher (visibility, reveal pressure, edge responsiveness, etc), Dash (enable/disable blur, show/hide recently used applications, etc), Themes (selecting GTK+ themes, choosing icon themes, etc), Fonts (changing fonts' families and sizes, etc), etc, essentially, allowing the user to adjust the desktop accordingly. Days ago, Ubuntu 13.04 was released, introducing a massive amount of optimizations, performance improvements and under-the-hood enhancements. Unsettings 0.08 has been released, extending its support to Ubuntu 13.04, thus users are able to utilize the handy tool on managing Ubuntu 13.04's components.

How do we install Unsettings 0.08? Add the following official PPA (Oneiric, Precise, Quantal, Raring)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:diesch/testing sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install unsettings


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