The Intel Linux Graphics Installer provides a friendly way for downloading the latest Intel Linux graphics software stack.
Early in March, Intel –specifically the Intel Open Source Technology Centre– released a graphical installer providing Linux users with a friendly way for downloading the latest Intel-related open source Linux graphics components –for the more technical this includes:
* the Intel core kernel driver
* Mesa 3D rendering library, responsible for 3D rendering, OpenGL compatibility, GLES, etc.
* the 2D renderer for the X Window stack (xf86-video-intel), also known as DDX.
* libdrm –the “Direct Rendering Manager” library, for communication between user applications and the kernel
* the Cairo graphics library, for 2D rendering and acceleration
* vaapi-driver-intel –the APIs for hardware-accelerated video rendering, processing and output
* initial support for Wayland
Getting the Latest and Greatest Intel Linux Drivers
Intel Linux Graphics Installer automatically detects your hardware and system specifics and adds a software repository to your sources for keeping you up-to-date. The installer also performs a check to see if your system is running the latest drivers and, if not, it runs a system upgrade.
However, the installer doesn’t automatically add the repository authentication key to your system but it can manually added by opening a terminal, and executing:
wget --no-check-certificate -O - | \
sudo apt-key add -
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